
Blog All About it: January

So as one of my Blogging Challenges I am taking part in Blog All About it. Basically we are given a prompt and we create a blog post about it…so here we go.

January’s Prompt is:

Honestly my least favorite season of the year. LOL

BUT it is the name of a book in one of my all time favorite series:

And we can’t forget the Winter Solider:

I also love to see what kind of cute winter pictures I can find on the internet:

It’s also a great time for:

and probably my most favorite thing that comes from winter:

So yeah, that’s my take on winter….of course with the 8 inches of snow we had in Southern VA last week, I’m already over it.

What about you?


11 thoughts on “Blog All About it: January

  1. I’m taking part in the challenge too. I was going to do a review on Winter by Marissa Meyer as I love it (lol) But I changed my mind. My link is also over at herding cats and burning soup so check it out!

  2. Ah, great choices! I love winter, but I don’t mind that others don’t since I hate summer. 🙂
    Winter was a great book and I do love winter cocoa. I still haven’t watched Winter Soldier, but I want to.

  3. We have hardly had any snow here in Maryland so far this winter, but is has been horribly cold a lot of the time. We did have some days where it was in the 60s this month, but that just makes it harder to adjust when the cold weather comes back. I am just not a winter person – looking forward to spring and summer!

  4. I hope warm weather comes your way soon! I am not really a winter person. I can do without the freezing cold. Which might be why I live where I do! I do enjoy hot cocoa though. And I do plan to read Winter one of these days! I’ve only recently read Cinder and need to read the rest of the series now.

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